![牛油排包 [雞蛋湯種]](https://debbieadventure.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/img_0704.jpg?resize=640%2C459)
牛油排包 [雞蛋湯種]

- 兩個 蛋黃
- 10g 砂糖
- 15 g 高筋麵粉
- 70 g 鮮奶
- 250g 高筋麵粉
- 40g 砂糖
- 3g 速發酵母
- 2g 鹽
- 10g 脫脂奶粉
- 25g 無鹽牛油 (放回室溫)
- 100g 水
- 雞蛋湯種
- 將主麵糰材料混合均勻,之後加入雞蛋湯種用手搓揉成麵團,然後再搓至麵團起到薄膜。
將麵糰放入發酵箱內,以35°C發酵50-60分鐘至麵糰膨脹至2倍大。 - 第一次發酵完成後,取出麵團,用手掌輕壓麵團排氣,之後分成 8等份,搓圓,室溫靜待約10分鐘鬆弛。
之後將每個小麵團搓成長條形,放入焗盤,進行第2次發酵30分鐘或至麵團膨脹至模的8乘滿。 - 表面掃上蛋液,放入已預熱170C的焗爐焗15分鐘即成。
I am a follower of your blog as I find your recipes very good and easy to follow.
I tried this bread last Saturday. It is really very soft and yummy. My tray size is 12 x 22 x 6 cm. I could only put seven parts of dough into it. May I know what size your tray is. Thanks.
Hi Maggie,
Nice to here that you like my recipes!
My tray size is the same as yours. The first time I made this dough, I was not able to fit in all 10 pieces. So when I made this the second time, I tried to squeeze all of them into the tray and they fit. I think you can pack them tightly and try to fit as much as you can.
Let me know how it goes!
請問如何保存酵母? 分小包放冰箱係未可用好耐好耐? ? 因500克平好多,請指教,謝謝
Hi, 你好!