Meals Recipes Starters 前菜 Western kitchen 西式廚房

Roasted eggplant spread Russian style

February 23, 2018

This is one of the Russian dish that is light and entirely made of vegetables as Russian dishes are always quite stuffy with meat and cream. This dish could be served as a hot appetizer or as spread on French bread.


1 eggplant
1/2 onion, dice
1 sweet pepper, dice
1 tomato, dice
1 clove garlic, slice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon vinegar
1 bunch fresh dill, finely chopped


Remove the stems of the eggplant. Make s4 shallow cuts along the length of the eggplants on all sides. Place them on a baking tray and bake at 200C for 35-40 minutes. After the eggplants cool down, peel off and discard the skin. Cut the eggplants into small pieces.
In a saucepan, put the onion, pepper, garlic and saute on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Add the tomato and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
Add the eggplant, salt, sugar, vinegar. Stir and continue cooking for another few minutes.
Add the dill and stir. Remove from heat right away. Your caviar is ready now and enjoy!

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